Ethiopia Adoption Partner Program

September 29, 2015: Two new orphanages have been added to the growing network within Ethiopia, offering more previously unseen children the opportunity to be adopted and families to receive some referrals faster than previous. Families will continue to move efficiently through the program when age and gender of the child preferred is open and flexible. 

March 05, 2014: Recently Adoption Advocates International (AAI) in Oregon announced they are closing their Ethiopia adoption program. Please note that A Love Beyond Borders is not associated or in partnership with AAI. Our partner program in Ethiopia is stable and A Love Beyond Borders is currently accepting applications for Ethiopia.

March 04, 2014: JCICS's Ethiopia Caucus Co-Chair, Dan Lauer, just returned from a meeting with the Ethiopian Ministry of Women's, Children and Youth Affairs. The Ministry has confirmed that the Ethiopian Government's meetings on social affairs have resulted in opportunities for intercountry adoption to continue. 

Welcome to our Ethiopia Partner Program! I'm sure you are wondering how a partner is different from the other programs LBB offers? Most of our country programs are created, operated and managed entirely by A Love Beyond Borders. They are direct programs in which we have applied for, and received approval, from the foreign government to provide adoption services in that country. In this type of scenario we are considered the Primary Provider.

In the Ethiopia partner program however Adoption Avenues is the Primary Provider for adoptions in Ethiopia. This means that they applied for, and received approval, from Ethiopia to provide adoption services in that country. Our role is to support their clients in Colorado with administrative services, home study, pre-adoption education, and post adoption services. 

In Hague adoptions (which all adoptions are now since the implementation of the Universal Accreditation Act), there are six Hague adoption services. 

As outlined in the UAA, accredited and approved adoption agencies are responsible for providing U.S. prospective adoptive parents with six adoption services:

  1. Identifying a child for adoption and arranging an adoption
  2. Securing the necessary consent to termination of parental rights and to adoption;
  3. Performing a background study on a child or a home study on prospective adoptive parent(s), and reporting on such a study;
  4. Making non-judicial determinations of the best interests of a child and the appropriateness of an adoptive placement for the child;
  5. Monitoring a case after a child has been placed with prospective adoptive parents until final adoption (also referred to as post adoption or post placement); and
  6. When necessary because of a disruption before final adoption, assuming custody of a child and providing or facilitating the provision of childcare or any other social service pending an alternative placement.

In the case of the Ethiopia program, we established a partnership with the Primary Provider/adoption agency -- Adoption Avenues (AA) -- several years ago to support the amazing organization they have built in the country.  In our role providing Adoption Avenues clients with administrative services for US based processes, they have placed many wonderful children with loving families.  This partnership has allowed our agencies to best utilize our staff resources appropriately to optimize your adoption experience. 

Why Consider Adoption from Ethiopia? The Ethiopian adoption program is a flexible program that is inclusive of a wide-range of qualified potential parents, including single women, families with several children, and older parents.  There are estimates of as many as four million children in Ethiopia living without parents or families.  These children are orphaned by poverty, AIDS, political conditions and disabling infrastructure. Yet even faced with these conditions the people and children of Ethiopia live an emotionally generous life, embodying the philosophy of "It takes a village to raise a child." This means that an older child adopted from Ethiopia who has lived in an extended family environment -- even those living in orphanages – may typically manifest fewer developmental or emotional issues as a child adopted from orphanages in other countries. 

The benefits of AA's program includes numerous orphanages throughout Ethiopia, a comfortable foster home where your child will stay after the adoption and before traveling home, and experienced staff in Ethiopia well versed in maneuvering through Ethiopia's legal system. They will prepare you for adopting in Ethiopia as well as becoming a transracial family, identifying a child referral for the prospective adoptive parent, arranging for the adoption through their attorney in Ethiopia, and working with government officials to ensure the necessary consent to the adoption is provided.
ALBB will work with you on your home study, pre-adoption education, post adoption services and also administrative services for US based services such as counseling, referrals to therapists as may be indicated, child specific education once Adoption Avenues provides your referral, and help with USCIS filings.
If you wish to submit an application to adopt in Ethiopia, please request AA's application at They will review your application and issue your adoption service contract if approved. 
Children Available:
  • Infants, toddlers and older children available.
  • Sibling groups and twins are sometimes available.
  • Currently we do not allow adoption of unrelated children.
  • Currently more boys than girls are being placed. Families may not gender specify unless they are open to a more than likely very long, possibly double wait time. 
  • Many healthy children, some with minor and correctable special needs.
  • Children reside in several orphanages in and around the capital including government run and private orphanages.
  • Prior to being in the orphanage children may have resided with the family of origin, in a local orphanage, community care or in the hospital of birth.
  • The children are tested for HIV, and Hepatitis prior to being placed.
Adoptive Parents Requirements:
  • Heterosexual married couples (with or without children) may apply.
  • Single female applicants are accepted.
  • Must be 25-50 years old or up to 55 on a case-by-case basis for 7 years and older.
  • Couples should be married at least one year to apply to the program.
  • No more than 2 divorces permitted.
  • Preference is that there be no more than a 45 year (flexible) gap between the age of the youngest adopting parent and the child being adopted.
  • Use of anti-depressants, anxiety medications, criminal background or certain chronic medical conditions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Timelines & Process:

  • Families typically receive a referral in 9-15 months from the time the dossier is registered in Ethiopia for families open to gender and broad age range;  and potentially significantly longer for young sibling groups or twins.
  • The waiting time from referral to travel for court is about 6-9 months and can only be scheduled once the USCIS PAIR process approval is issued.
  • Final trip of 3-5 days takes place approximately 4-6 weeks after court.
  • Applicants will wait the longest who limit their request to twins, specific sibling age groups or genders. For this reason we do not currently allow selection of gender.
  • Once the dossier is completed the family will be placed on a waiting list for a referral.
  • The family will be presented with a referral of a child and have two weeks to consider the referral.
  • A photo and any and all available medical and social information is provided upon referral of the child.
  • Upon your acceptance of the referral, notification is sent to Ethiopia where our Ethiopian partner’s attorney will begin the official legal adoption process.
  • The Ethiopian partner's attorney will assist with translating the dossier and submitting documents for a court hearing.
  • Both parents must plan to attend court.
  • One parent may attend court with the other’s power of attorney under select extreme circumstances and prior approval from the Ethiopian government is required. 
  • For the trip to receive your child and complete the immigration process, one or both parents (or escort) will travel for the final trip.

To learn more, email or call 303-333-1572. If you feel that adopting a child or children from Ethiopia is your heart's desire please fill out the Adoption Avenues application at their website: Apply for Adoption.

Learn about Ethiopia:

Ethiopia, officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Eritrea to the north, Djibouti and Somalia to the east, Sudan and South Sudan to the west, and Kenya to the south. With over 91,000,000 inhabitants Ethiopia is the most populous landlocked country in the world and the second-most populated nation on the African continent.

Ethiopia is one of the oldest locations of human life known to scientists and is widely considered the region from which Homo sapiens first set out for the Middle East and points beyond. Tracing its roots 

to the 2nd millennium BC, Ethiopia was a monarchy for most of its history. Alongside Rome, Persia, China and India the Kingdom of Aksum was one of the great world powers of the 3rd century. In the 4th century, it was the first major empire in the world to officially adopt Christianity as a state religion.

Ethiopia is a multilingual society with around 80 ethnic groups, with the two largest being the Oromo and the Amhara. The origin of the coffee bean, Ethiopia is a land of natural contrasts; with its vast fertile West, jungles & numerous rivers the World's hottest settlement in its north, Africa's largest continuous mountain ranges and the largest cave in Africa at Sof Omar. Ethiopia has the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Africa. Ethiopia's ancient Ge'ez script, also known as Ethiopic, is one of the oldest alphabets still in use in the world. The Ethiopian calendar, which is seven years and about three months behind the Gregorian calendar, co-exists alongside the Oromo calendar. The majority of the population is Christian and a third is Muslim; the country is the site of the first Hijra in Islamic history and the oldest Muslim settlement in Africa at Negash. A substantial population of Ethiopian Jews, known as Beta Israel, resided in Ethiopia until the 1980s but most of them have since gradually immigrated to Israel. Ethiopia is also the spiritual homeland of the Rastafari movement, which globalized its flag colors worldwide via pop culture and Reggae music.